Winter Letters, Winter Self Care
Hello Friends!
This year, Winter Group - my Winter Group Coaching program - is taking the shape of weekly newsletters, "Winter Letters." From Solstice until the Spring Equinox we'll explore wellness through the lens of this season. How do we stay connected? How do you maintain your practices? Do your health routines need to change? Messages will range from articles to art to inspiring quotes.
Being part of this newsletter gives you access to free guided meditations as well as special pricing for:
Live online Self Care Practice Labs (we'll move, meditate, and image together!)
Individual imagery or coaching sessions
Join Winter Letters if you have difficulty implementing self care - we all know what to do for the most part, as a coach I support you to create sustainable and enjoyable practices.
Join if you struggle with Winter - feel less motivated, lonely, or stuck.
Join if you are feeling stressed out, I offer mind and body practices for stress relief.
Join if you want connection.
Join if you are on the introverted side and feel overwhelmed by too much social interaction - all levels of participation are welcome. You will have the option to read letters, respond, listen to a recording, or join live sessions.
Join to add some fun and magic to your Winter!